Ernst Hass, this is a photographer i recently came across whilst researching some stuff for photography, and i actually really liked it :) so here some nice picture
recently i lost my very best friend, and i will miss her every day until the day i die, and i hope she knows that. Although sad, im kind of happy at the same time, because im so glad that i got to share all of those good memories with soemone like that, and although now i will miss them, sometimes its better to have something that nothing. i knew and know that nothing lasts forever but ive just learnt that you ahve to live on, and have hope that someone just as amazing will come along, whether they are your best friend or lover, the same principle applies.
The ten things i love about christmas/winter:
1) walking into a hosue when it was really cold outside and your fingers go all tingly
2)christmas eve when all the presents are under the tree
3)waking up when its snowing
4) remembering that christmas is because of jesus then chuckling to myself because he is probably jealous, he didnt get presents as goo as these ;)
5)everyone getting drunk and letting go for once
6)that embarassing moment if anyone has bought you underwear that mother teresa wouldnt have worn
7) christmas tv!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (the films (L))
8)the smell of cinnamon
9) the buzz of people buying presents
10) my birthday
Anothing thing i would liek is for computers to have portals on msn, like you could send a request for a portal and if they accepted you could full on clim into the computer and end up climbing out of theres (L) so NASA if youre listening, sort it out.
i miss american dragon, i miss kim possible i missdanny phantom and most of all i miss arther :)
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