Tuesday, 8 December 2009

pull over quick, i need a quick fix

lost in this stereo,
playin this private show.
no better place for you and me to be alone..
i feel you on my skin,
you got my heart racin.
i hear the clock ticking,
ready set, let's go let's begin!
oh hi kesha :D

Also im totally loving on skype atm :) heres some fun creations;

i love it x

he ate my heart, he's a monster in my bed

I reeeeeeeeally cant contain my impatience, ive asked for lady gagas new albumn for christmas, and i know im getting it, but ive just downloaded it :| stupid child. Oh above is that bloke that i was talking about yesterday, his pictures are nice :) i would put some more but it just seems irrelevent now, oh wait just one because i want to know who this woman is, shes gorgy

OKAAAAY i like to shrink things in the oven, if you put a empty crisp packet in there for like 10 seconds it full on shrinks :) so fun :) liek those things i used to buy called shrinkeys when you could colout them in and then shrink them :)

I also have a large craving for a honey and peanut butter sandwich, but the bread has just come out of the freezer;
the solution?
Fuzz says:
*microwave it a little
Amy Louise Kibler says:
*doesnt that make it taste funny :/?
Fuzz says:
*not too long tho
*or it will go soggy
Amy Louise Kibler says:
*says the expert

So im going to try this
chao babé

Monday, 7 December 2009

keep on rollin' baby

Ernst Hass, this is a photographer i recently came across whilst researching some stuff for photography, and i actually really liked it :) so here some nice picture
recently i lost my very best friend, and i will miss her every day until the day i die, and i hope she knows that. Although sad, im kind of happy at the same time, because im so glad that i got to share all of those good memories with soemone like that, and although now i will miss them, sometimes its better to have something that nothing. i knew and know that nothing lasts forever but ive just learnt that you ahve to live on, and have hope that someone just as amazing will come along, whether they are your best friend or lover, the same principle applies.

The ten things i love about christmas/winter:
1) walking into a hosue when it was really cold outside and your fingers go all tingly
2)christmas eve when all the presents are under the tree
3)waking up when its snowing
4) remembering that christmas is because of jesus then chuckling to myself because he is probably jealous, he didnt get presents as goo as these ;)
5)everyone getting drunk and letting go for once
6)that embarassing moment if anyone has bought you underwear that mother teresa wouldnt have worn
7) christmas tv!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (the films (L))
8)the smell of cinnamon
9) the buzz of people buying presents
10) my birthday

Anothing thing i would liek is for computers to have portals on msn, like you could send a request for a portal and if they accepted you could full on clim into the computer and end up climbing out of theres (L) so NASA if youre listening, sort it out.

i miss american dragon, i miss kim possible i missdanny phantom and most of all i miss arther :)


Wednesday, 2 December 2009

the twelve days of christmas

Hello fellow followers, I am currently on a train that went from Eastleigh, going to Millbrook (score at getting a direct without even trying) I’m feeling a bit rebel-ish as I haven’t actually bought a ticket that goes to central, so bugger me if I get caught, the plan is, is that by occupying myself with my camera in my lap, and typing very intently on a small laptop will convince the camera’s that I am a wealthy, hardworking student who OF COURSE would never do such criminal things.
I’ve just been to see new moon, and honestly, even though I’ve read the book, and Bella annoyed me in them, the film just brings out how much I honestly can’t stand her, it’s not because I’m jealous of her beauty, she is gorgeous. But it’s the fact that she can hurt Jacob so much. I know it’s not real, it’s just seriously, why lead someone on so much, she even goes as far to say things like ‘I like you’ even ‘I love you’ and I know Jacob understands that in her eyes that’s as a friend, but I just couldn’t do that to anyone, she should have just left him to get over her a bit at first, silly woman. Ha ha get me getting all emotional. If I ever lead someone on they must tell me immediately, I refuse to hurt someone so much.
So basically the weather was insanely wet today, and my feet are completely soaked, I chose the wrong day to not wear willies, amazing invention, I’m seriously considering getting waders, just so I can go and walk through rivers and things, I think it would be quite amazing really.
Well I think that’s all that I have to say about this today. Other than it would be nice of you to check out my video blogs, and see if you’d like to ask me any questions I can answer for you :D I hope you have a good day tomorrow. Whatever day you read this, I hope tomorrow is a good day, I think that works aha  peace and love (P.S. I hope you realised that I actually spell checked for once, feel privileged that I actually care this time)

oh hi photography lesson

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

oh hey ;D

i like senses but a question came up, asking me which one i woould keep most, and i was likeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee UHMM sight, then touch, then smell, then sound, TASTE CAN JUST GO AWAY because i dont like the taste of some things, and also sometimes when you smell too hard you can actually taste it in your mouth if you get me :D
Im not really setting a good example here, but i am currently sat in a biology revision class thing that lasts for 3 hours. 3 hours in which i usually sleep on a tuesday, and he literally has just said about how everyone has planned orgi's for christmas - he knows this (somehow)
He has also just confused me as my biology teacher stated that you need 80% of the marks to get an A, where a he has just reinstated that Actually you only need 65% GUTTED to be my biology teacher because she was basically keeping that one under wraps aye ;)

what else; hmm i guess i could talk about how mybrain functions, and why i think it does this. alot of people write blogs about how you should let things flow, but i find i cant seem to do this? its seems part of my biological selft to actually take a situation and analsyse it so much that the fun and the joys and the excitment of it are all
worn away, all that is left its what i would take as tha bare facts of that situation, which is also why im happy all the time, because i dont get my hopes up for things as i always assume i will be let down, everything makes me happy, but by not getting my hopes up, i must seem sacred to try something new, - which im not, i just 'think' i know whats going to happen.
Although i probably dont - being a young ginger girl, i most probably know nothing about life and relationships, and i should probably constult some sort of man with a large bushy bearch and a cane he needs to walk with.


Monday, 23 November 2009

For today

yeah yeah yeah la la la

oh mygosh you guys! its christmas soon :) all the pretty people will dress up
and look gorgy and i will be stuck in m&s serving women in wheelchairs who love
black men. HAHAAH oh my life :)
uhmmmmmmm LADY GAGA TOCKETS ARE 70 POUND WHAT IS THIS?? i really wanna go though
reallllly. oh and i love britneys song about 3somes, sometimesi wonder why i am
writing all of this, maybe its in hope that if one day i have a bad accident i
will be refered to this blog and as if by magic i will be CURED, it would only
work if i had memory loss of course.

- - - - - - - this stands for the fact that i actually drafted this and now,
on a different day i have more today add! skillls.

Here is a cute poem my friend yzzy and me found;
Whenever you are feeling sad
Your eyes fixed upon the ground
You need someone to cheer you up
To turn your frown upside down
When times can get real rough
You need someone to lift your chin
Or tickle you 'till you can't breathe
Or 'till you simply grin
A kiss is just a kiss
A hug a mere embrace
But nothing beats the worldly known
A smile upon the face

i like that alot :)

recently i hada bit of a mental breakdown becuase of the amount of
pressure i feek im under, but i have just realised ive created this pressure
not snyone else, silly. OHH and im not going to see lady gaga :'(
But i like those who are Nice to me :):)

Friday, 20 February 2009

the second

ive decided to write about imagination and time and connection

someone who i have never met, and never really known in any way whatsoever told me i was wise the other day. i didnt believe him because being wise is being able to learn from experiance, and pass it onto anyone who needs it, but i was able to have a connection with another human through an invention which can send wireless messages across the world. i find that amazing, i find life amazing

right imagination frightens me because its scary. simple but honestly, people who invented rockets, and telescopes, and computers, and books full of knowledge of how to deal with those whos minds are less able, cures for disease all of those things. someone has spent time imagining and hoping that their invention will work, when it does, its amazing because its new and it works, but when it doesnt, its frightening because the time was wasted. and i dont like the way time can be wasted. why does there have to be time - why does it have to make us worried about being late, and it makes us rush, and frett, why can it just let us be free, no restrictions, just freedom. someone told me that this isnt possible as nothing would exsist without time, nothing could come around. i agree but for once i wish i didnt have to frett whatwas coming the next day - if time didnt exsist i could confront problems when i was ready, not when time told me i had to.

good things can come out of time and it helps you confront things but withthe details of a brain there is not enough time, ever with our life expectancy to figure out and create everything locked up inside there, there is not enough time for us to develop, we age and we die,

and death is my biggest fear

the first

oh hello :)
law and order uk! DUNDUN sorry it just came on the radio..:D

Im not really sure why blogs exist
its like an online diary i suppose?
but diarys are supposed to be secret,
where as blogs - people want other people to read them.. its like pictures of yourself you always want other peoples opinions - you dont trust yourself to judge, but someone elses opinion is obviosly more correct. But then you get a bad photo comment and your like NO THEY ARE LYING THEY ARE JEALOUS - to be honest your the one who asked for their opinion :

i sound like im talking to someone - but im really not, because i dont really want people to read this, theyll see how i over think things. but youve probably just read that anyway, and noticed ive given up on grammer, i dont see the point in grammer, its like a silly rule :)

i dont like rules very much.. but to the point here is my blog entry;

Today i woke up, i spent the day awake, and ill probably go to sleep later :)

haha i hope you have a nice day reader :)xxx